Characteristics of Protists

Characteristics of Protists

  1. They are defined by exclusion,its mean they have unique characteristics.Therefore they are not placed in any other kingdom.
  2. They are primarly eukaryotic auqatic organisms.
  3. They are eukartyotes and arise from prokaryotes.
  4. They are ancestor of all other eukaryotes kingdom i.e plant,animal and fungi.
  5. They are unicellular,colonial or simple multi cellular organisms.
  6. They do not have blastula and embryo stages.
Four Major Groups of Protists 

  • Protozoans (single celled)
  • Unicellular algae
  • Multicellular algae
  • Fungus like protists : Slime molds.
characteristics of protists

Characteristics of Protists Characteristics of Protists Reviewed by M.Zulqarnain on 22:41 Rating: 5

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