Discovery of Bacteria

bacteria discovery

Discovery of Bacteria 

Discovery of bacteria depends upon the invention of microscope.After the invention of microscope following scientists played role in the discovery of bacteria.

Antone Van Leeuwenhoek :

He was the scientist who discovered the microbes first time in 1673.The microbes were bacteria and protozoa.He used microscope to observe bacteria.He gave exact drawings and description of bacterial structure.He called these tiny creatures as "animalcules.He firstly observe these microbes in rain water.Then,he also observed these microbes in vinegar,saliva,infusions and other substances. 

Louis Pasteur :

He has great contributions in the field of microbiology.Louis Pasteur discovered vaccines against bacterial and viral diseases Vaccine against Anthrax ( a viral disease) , Vaccine against Chicken cholera,Vaccine against Rabies or Hydrophobia ( Viral disease ) .
Louis also discovered two important industrial process Fermentation and Pasteurization.

Robert Kooch : 

He worked on microorganisms and discovered bacteria of Tuberculosis (T.B) and Chicken cholera.He formulated his Germ theory of Diseases comprising of four postulates.
Discovery of Bacteria Discovery of Bacteria Reviewed by M.Zulqarnain on 22:36 Rating: 5

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